Friday 22 June 2012

When the Moon Touched the Sun #6

The Sun howled lunging forward to slice through one of the creatures. Black blood spurted from the wound and covered the Sun’s sword, speckling his armour. More of them touched down on to the floor and at once roots tore from their slumber underground, wrapping themselves around the pointless existence and crushing them. The Moon held back for a moment and then ran forward in to the fray slicing away at anything that stood between her and her Sun. She ran to fight by the side of her man, protecting him as he did her.

The Earth fought for its parents and its parents fought for the Earth. The three were no match for the fears that the universe hurled at them, they defeated all that locked them in combat and never grew weary despite the large number of monsters that continued to rain down on them.

No weapon touched their skin and their bodies were unmarred by ripe wounds, like the ones that covered their foe. The Earth was undaunted by the carnage that littered its surface, it strove to defend the Sun and Moon, making everything more difficult for the foe. Lava slid across the surface, setting alight the beautiful world that the Moon had once cried for, waves of salty water drowned the bad and earth rose and fell, crushing all.

The universe grew scared as the battle escalated, it knew at some point it was lose and then they would turn on it, defeat it. It could only do one thing, could only surrender and bargain with them, hope that they came back; if they ran away they would never be found again.

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