Monday 18 June 2012

When the Moon Touched the Sun #2

With chariots of sun rays and moonbeams the two lovers chase one another across the sky, all the while calling each other, trying to ride faster so that they may catch up with their other half. All the while the universe looks on with growing amusement at their sadness.

Then one day, the universe forgot to hold back the Moon while the Sun chased the inky black trail, the Moon felt the lack of force that usually stopped her, tentatively she peaked above the horizon and saw before her the glorious work of her Sun. He lit up the sky so as to make it clear, his sun rays spilling forth from his wake dotting the floor and turning water to diamonds before her very eyes. Blown away by the new found beauty the Moon started to weep, she had never seen anything so divine, her world was silent and cold, while this world, the world that her darling touched was beauty incarnated. At that point she wished more than ever to be touched by her Sun so that she may be beautiful like the world that he commanded.

She pushed her chariot forth slowly, letting the Night horses clamber over the edge, she brought them to an abrupt holt once they were over and set them down on her child Earth, who smiled with excitement at being able to see its parents together and happy. The Moon looked down at the green grass before her and wept more, she had never noticed just how full of life her child Earth was, it angered and upset her that the universe had forced her to keep away from being able to spend time in her opposites domain.

Slowly she stepped from the cart, her bare feet refreshed by the springy and luscious grass beneath them. She started to walk, and then run, her feet flying across earth and water, she splashed trough streams, sending cascades of water to soak her and leaving droplets of water to hit the surface with a tinkle. She skipped about, exclaiming glee and laughing with her child Earth as she played in this new world.

Far above her the Sun pushed his horses on, frustration plain on his face. Then he heard the soft laughter of a stranger. The voice was familiar but he had never heard it before, in all his time. He rained the horses in and looked over the edge, down to the surface of his child Earth. There he saw a woman, the most beautiful woman he could have imagined, she was clad all in silver which shimmered like moonbeams. Her skin was white like snow, her eyes a startling blue and her hair the colour of softest corn silk. The woman ran around, spinning and jumping and laughing as if she had found life itself.

Within him the Sun felt his heart burst as she looked up in to the sky, he knew that he wanted her, something old drew him to her. He turned his Day horses and drove them down to the surface of his child Earth, landing hard on the floor very near to the beauty that had stolen his heart.

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