Sunday, 21 October 2012

When the Moon Touched the Sun #14

As the warrior fell limp on the floor the world began to lighten again, returning to its previous pale blue hue. In a short burst of light the warrior disappeared and all that remained was the sword that the Moon had made.

“What did you do!” she screamed at the universe.

The Sun grabbed at her arms and whispered in to her ear, “Moon, please, be calm, it’s not worth your death too.”

“You,” the universe brandished its sword accusingly at the pair. “You tricked me. We were to have single combat, but instead you bring in another to take your stead? You have forfeited the duel, and you shall come back to me.” It spat at the Moon.

“No.” cried the Moon. “It was never my fault, I never meant for it to happen. I don’t understand what happened.”

“That doesn’t matter, you stepped back. You forfeited.” Screeched the universe.

“No.” interjected the Sun. “You will not keep us apart this time. Never again.” No longer being the protecting figure the Sun stepped forward, shading the Moon from the universe’s wrath. “It is time you went back to where you came from.”

The universe narrowed its twinkling eyes. “Be careful, you may be one of light and heat, but you are a part of me. The more you try and run, the more I will make you suffer.”

“Then we won’t run.” Said the Sun and the universe drew back in surprise and suspicion. “Let’s make a deal.”

The Moon drew in a sharp gasp, not expecting her lover to bargain with the thing that had been trying to kill them. A silence descended as the universe considered.

Suddenly it was shattered by a horrifying scream that clawed at the Sun’s insides. He spun around and watched helpless as his beautiful Moon sank to her knees, a clawed hand retracting from her bloody chest.

Monday, 1 October 2012

When the Moon Touched the Sun #13

“What is this trickery?” the universe spat at the Moon

The Moon couldn’t reply, too stunned by what was in front of her. She shook her head in disbelief and backed further in to the Sun’s embrace.

“Enough!” the universe shouted. “Moon, you must face me! No more distractions. Fight you coward!”

In a flash the warrior plunged forward, slicing at the universe’s side, deflected at the last moment by the universe to prevent fatal damage. As the swords slammed against each other the warrior whirled around and jabbed again, but this time was deflected before any contact was made.

As the strange warrior and the universe spun their deadly dance the sky began to grow dimmer. It reached a shade of dark grey. Not quite day and not quite night, not quite dawn and not quite dusk. It was a time of its own.

While the Moon was intently watching the fight the Sun grabbed her suddenly. “Moon.” He whispered. “Now’s our chance to run away. While the universe is distracted by the warrior we can run away and hide.”

The Moon looked doubtful at his words. “Oh Sun, I don’t know. I don’t want to hide forever, I can’t hide forever. And what about our child Earth, we can’t leave it, not now.”

“But Moon,” the Sun clutched at her sides desperately. “We can be together. Please.” He implored her, sinking to one knee as an act of subservience. “Please let us be together.”

There was an awful sound of scraping metal and the two lover’s attention was drawn away from their flight. Weary on the end of a black sword the warrior sagged, the tip protruding from its armoured back. A sneer covered the universe’s face. It pulled back the sword, disposing of the armoured knight on the floor and walked towards the Moon and the Sun.